Types of organisations

We want to fund work which addresses the challenges of local communities in areas of extreme deprivation.

The list  below  gives examples of organisations and projects we fund, but we are always interested to hear about different projects which provide appropriate solutions to local problems.

Our preference is for front line organisations working directly with people in need. We are unlikely to support campaigning, organisational development or capacity building. We will consider new work which is a logical extension of existing work, but do not support work which represents a significant shift away from your existing core aims and experience.

We offer grants to Charitable organisations (including social enterprises, not-for-profit registered companies, co-operative or community benefit societies and voluntary organisations) in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What We Don't Fund

Read about the types of projects and organisations we do not currently fund on the next page. Below you will find examples of the types of projects we support.
  • Community Centres

    Salary or running costs for community centres or village halls which offer a range of activities for all ages.

  • Early intervention

    Sub-set of Family Support

  • Alternative Education

    Support schemes for young people struggling in mainstream education; homework clubs; supplementary education classes for vulnerable individuals.

  • Families coping with addiction

  • Counselling

    Counselling for any age in areas where statutory services are unable to cope with demand.

  • Prisoners' families

  • Young People

    Youth clubs and detached youth work; after school and holiday clubs; opportunities for NEETs.

  • Addictions

    Addiction and recovery support projects

  • Homeless Support Services

  • Community Support - SMALL GRANTS

    Information, advice and guidance services; community transport schemes; employability training; volunteering; healthy eating and living; foodbanks which support clients out of crisis into long term sustainability; intergenerational projects; befriending; community cohesion.

  • Family Support - MAJOR GRANTS

    Early intervention; families coping with addiction; prisoners’ families.